It is even strange to think I was once in high school, it is such a lifetime or two ago. I was pretty much a dreamer, loner, seeker at that time in my life. I guess I haven't changed much. The only difference is that I am much, much happier with myself and my life. All that dreaming, introspection and searching paid off! My life has had many twists and turns. I was married twice before I met my soul mate, who have been married to for 28 years.
Many people have said that I should write a book about my life, but I have other books to write first. Maybe when I'm 90...
Now my life is very focused on helping other people; my true passion. I am writing a cancer prevention program to put on the internet, so everyone will have access to everything they need to know to protect themselves from cancer, and other diseases. I also like to think I am making a difference by doing my part on keeping the planet as green as possible. I've been doing that since my son Michael was born. Honestly, I really do it because it makes me feel better; I know I can't change the climate or clean up the earth single handedly, but I'm putting my drop in the bucket.
Life is fun and exciting and rewarding and incredibly delicious.